Do you need to apostille a Power of Attorney?
Are you currently in the U.S. and need to provide a power of attorney to someone in a foreign country?
A power of attorney apostille is a legal document giving power of attorney to someone in a foreign country to act on your behalf.
The greatest benefit of the apostille is that your documents can be accepted in a foreign country without you being there. You can continue to conduct international business with no downtime. Because of the travel restrictions imposed by the U.S. on foreign countries, it may be difficult to travel to and from certain parts of the word. By obtaining an apostille, the barriers have now been broken and you can continue to do business in a foreign country.
We recommend that your power of attorney be prepared by a professional from the Country requesting it. For example, if the country of Italy is requesting a signed and notarized power of attorney, we recommend that an attorney in Italy prepare your document both in English and Italian. Some US States will not apostille a document written in a foreign language. In order to avoid this delay, we recommend that your documents to be written in both languages.
Obtaining an apostille can be complicated. Don’t leave this process to untrained employees or non-professionals who do not fully understand the apostille process and the unique requirements of certain countries. Your paperwork could be rejected costing you time and money. Don’t let this happen to you!
Our staff is available Monday-Saturday from 9am to 6pm to answer your questions and provide you easy to follow-step-by-step instructions. Please call us at 1-800-850-3441.
Click on the download image to your left to get started. Our apostille service is fast, convenient, and saves you time and money.